Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Cartoon Crap

Hmm, been working on this for a while now, but it's still unfinished. Really excited about it though.
I put my blood and soul into this, and it feels good to finally do my cartoon stuff again. This is the first major cartoon peice I've done in a while on the computer and not to mention with my new style.
I used no refs, unless you consider brwosing art a ref.
So far, 7 hours. Still no where near finished though

Some info on Dream Sheeps:
They are recycled souls, so they have already lived there life. But they were brought
back for the soul purpose of curing the Imagination Disease, that's now infesting the future.
Corny? Yes. But that's my life... ha ha

Monday, December 29, 2008


Really love this website; Gorgeous photos.
I'm not a photo person, takes alot for me to even consider calling a photo 'art'.
But this site is just beautiful. Creepy as hell, but in a pretty way. ;_;
I guess this is considered a series? Plan on doing alot more of these.
All done on Lascaux Sketch.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

First Post

little thing I'm working on... he he

Decided to get a blog for my crap doodles so that I don't have to spam other sites. (FAIL) Basically, set your expectations low so you won't be as dissapointed. XD